Fostering Inclusion, Fueling Growth and Empowering Diversity


Tender PLUS creates a diverse and inclusive business ecosystem where every participant has an equal opportunity to thrive and no supplier is left behind. We specialize in procuring, supplying, and financing goods on behalf of MSME suppliers, AGPO qualified companies, women-owned business, youth and refugee- led enterprises, helping them fulfill their contract obligations with governmental and private organizations effectively. We understand that fulfilling tender contracts for these enterprises can be daunting due to lack of reliable suppliers, market knowledge, restrictive supplier/buyer payment terms, limited funds, importation, and minimum order quantity challenge.

Opportunity To Thrive and No Supplier is left behind. .

We specialize in procuring, supplying, and financing goods on behalf of MSME suppliers, AGPO qualified companies; women-owned businesses, and youth-led enterprises, helping them fulfill their contract obligations with governmental and private organizations effectively.

We understand that fulfilling tender contracts for these enterprises can be daunting due to lack of reliable suppliers, market knowledge, restrictive supplier/buyer payment terms, limited funds, importation, and minimum order quantity challenge.

That’s why we use a simple process to ensure supply reliability, provide access to competent suppliers, and offer financial support to our clients in fulfilling their contract obligations:

The Process

Clients secure a tender contract and send a copy of the award letter / purchase order to HOP.

HOP checks the buyer's credit rating and confirms or rejects comfort with it.

Clients send the signed contract and/or purchase order to House of procurement.

The buyer signs a Master Payment Agreement & an Irrevocable Payment Undertaking with HOP.

The client assigns allor part of the contract receivables to HOP.

House of Procurement mitigates performance risk, increasing the portion of spend to these special and diverse groups. We provide a digital infrastructure to automate and manage these operations efficiently, offering convenience, transparency, consistent supply, and financial support through invoice discounting for the suppliers.

Denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are beguiled and demoralized by the charms pleasure moment so blinded desire that they cannot foresee the pain and trouble.

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